Review: The Blinding Knife (Lightbringer, #2) by Brent Weeks – Amazing fantasy world building

4.5/5. So close to a perfect fantasy read! If you enjoyed the previous book in the series, this one delivers an even stronger plot, and arguably more character development. For those not familiar with the Lightbringer series, it’s set in a gritty fantasy world with a unique magic system, where ‘Drafters’ can extract colour from the world and use it to create objects.

If you know me well, you’ll know that gritty fantasy + cool magic system = happy Jed.

And this book certainly made me happy :).

As with the previous entry in the series, the strongest points were the fast-paced plot. There was an AMAZING twist around 3/5ths through the book that made me delighted. I read a lot, so I can be a little jaded sometimes. This twist, however, ripped through me. It was a joy.

Two negatives (slight, compared to the otherwise awesome nature of this book). One: the prose quality was lacking and at times tested my suspension of disbelief – I didn’t think some characters would use the words the author used.

And two: the ending. Overall, I like the direction it established for book three. However, it felt like the complications arose from nowhere. The foreshadow was – at best – tenuous.

Ultimately, though, I really enjoyed this book. It’s a solid 4.5 out of 5, and I’d highly recommend it to fans of Brandon Sanderson.

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