The Thunder Heist (Twisted Seas #1)
A relentless thief. A magical device. And a heist to change everything.
Kef Cutmark is the greatest pirate in the Twisted Seas. Just ask her – she’s more than happy to talk about her exploits. She’s a woman of sharp wit and an even sharper sword. She’s killed sea monsters, toppled kings, stolen priceless artifacts, and made a hefty sum of gold along the way.
But her charming, roguish exterior hides a dark past. As a child, she was a slave in Zorith – a tangled jungle of a thousand boats, all lashed together to make a floating city-ship. After a life spent running from her past, she’s had enough. Now, it’s time for revenge.
Zorith is powered by a magical device that draws energy from lightning. Mysterious, unique, and locked in an unbreachable tower, it’s the envy of Zorith’s rivals.
And Kef? She’s here to steal it.
To do that, she’ll need a water-breathing mutant, a grumpy architect, and a deaf alchemist. If Kef can take the device, it will cripple Zorith, and serve out justice for what the city did to her. But with all the odds stacked against Kef, failure looks more likely. And if she fails, she’ll never find peace again.
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Original Artwork:
The book contains 7 pieces of original artwork, which you can see by clicking the images below. (Note: these artworks are free of spoilers.)
“A top-notch setting. Rife with alchemic pollution and political turmoil and populated by humans, a second citizenry of indentured mutants, and the Honourborns living richly off the suffering of both races, the seedy city-ship of Zorith is a great backdrop for nautical crime.” – Grimdark Magazine. Read the full review here.
“A terrifically fun heist adventure in a unique and fascinating world.” – Booknest. Read the full review here.
“The Thunder Heist is a high-octane adventure that starts off full throttle and doesn’t let up. As the title might suggest, this is a heist story, and one with a unique target: a lightning tower in the heart of a floating city. There are plenty of twists along the way to keep things interesting and the plot moves along at a good clip making for a fun, fast read.” – Jordan Loyal Short, author of The Skald’s Black Verse. Read the full review here.
“Kef struts across the pages with the bluster and bravado of a weather-beaten sea-dog who’s seen far too much, her dialogue cynical and sarcastic. Herne however, manages to give her much more depth beyond this so that she doesn’t come across as one-dimensional. Behind the wise-cracks is someone who cares, someone who bears emotional scars, and someone who is determined and completely self-reliant.” – Bookends & Bagends. Read the full review here.
“I truly felt like I was exploring a real world with a real logic underpinning all of the settings, character motivations and gadgets. Somehow he makes the concept of mutated humans with wings or gills, co-existing with humans with powers and humans without, entirely reasonable. The world Herne crafts isn’t a fabrication; it’s a real time and place.” – Rob Di Giovanni.