Jed Herne
Fantasy author
Jed Herne is a fantasy author from Perth, Western Australia. His books include Fires of the Dead, Across the Broken Stars, The Thunder Heist, and Kingdom of Dragons. His short stories have been published in The Arcanist, Scarlet Leaf Review, Flintlock, and more.
Outside of writing, he hosts The Novel Analyst Podcast, The Half-Baked Stories Improvised Storytelling Podcast, and The Jed Herne Audio Experience. He also has a YouTube channel filled with hours of writing advice
My story:
I’ve been writing since 2012, halfway through High School. What pushed me down the writing rabbit hole was when a friend showed me a short story he’d written over the holidays. It was pretty cool. Having been a massive book worm since childhood (and not wanting my friend to one-up me), I decided to try my hand at writing.
Exactly 360 days later, I finished the first draft of my first novel, called The Aeon Academy. It was a middle-grade fantasy novel about an orphan boy who goes to a school for people with superpowers. If that derivative premise isn’t enough to turn you off, let it be known that it wasn’t very good.
It was a start, though, and I kept working on the book for another four or five years before I realised that it just wasn’t working. I don’t regret any of that writing, though, because I learnt a lot, created a fifth draft with some decent moments, and most importantly got hooked on the writing bug.